January 16, 2021

Independent practitioners who would like to receive vaccination should complete this survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=xt5HOLJj-UOm0FikCqoaEIIJjJU_6l1Ou62Wfal-6TdURDM1RlU0MTVNUTVIU1IyREhHQk03U0pVNy4u

The survey information is being distributed to hubs, depending on your area. The designated hubs for vaccination of the 1a priority group are:

Kaua‘i: Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital and Wilcox Medical Center;

Honolulu: Adventist Health Castle, Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children, Pali Momi Medical Center, Straub Medical Center, and The Queen’s Medical Center-Punchbowl and West O‘ahu;

Maui: Maui Memorial Medical Center, Molokai General Hospital and Lanai Community Hospital; and

Hawai‘i Island: Hilo Medical Center, Kona Community Hospital and North Hawai‘i Community Hospital.

If healthcare providers have a Kaiser Permanente health plan and prefer to have their vaccines administered at Kaiser, they may schedule an appointment at Kaiser’s Honolulu or Waipio clinic by calling (808) 432-2000, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Department of Health also has an immunization hotline – (808) 586-8332 which has a selection for clinicians to ask questions.

Vaccinations have begun for 1b group, including non-healthcare essential workers and kupuna over 75 years of age. The state has recently updated the website with information regarding registration for the public. Info for each island can be found here: https://hawaiicovid19.com/vaccine/

The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation.  It is important follow the guidelines provided by the CDC and the Hawaii State Department of Health. Below are our recommendations for patients and providers, which may be updated as the situation changes.


For Our Patients

It is important to continue to receive regular medical care for any conditions or symptoms you have. Many of our Naturopathic Physicians are still providing healthcare services for patients. Please contact your provider to find out how your care can be best managed under the current conditions. Before coming to your doctor’s office in person, we highly recommend confirming your appointment and completing any necessary COVID-19 symptom and travel screening procedures they have implemented. If you are symptomatic, a Naturopathic Physician may be able to assess your symptoms from a distance and order appropriate testing.


For Our Doctors

It’s imperative for all of the Hawaii ND Community to communicate facts, not fear, but also urgency to follow public health guidelines.

  • Please communicate only evidence-based, accurate information.
  • Reassure patients and the public regarding fears and discourage biases.
  • Reinforce the importance of physical distancing.
  • Reinforce their role in supporting the global and local community efforts of containment.
  • Use social media to inform the public of what steps your clinic is taking to reduce the spread and accommodate patients.
  • Whenever possible, include citations for public education materials.
  • Refrain from posting medically inaccurate or unsubstantiated claims regarding any potential therapies with relation to COVID-19.
  • If you see misinformation from other providers, assume best of intentions and reach out to the individual privately or contact the HSNP or AANP.
  • Consider offering distance services to your patients, especially for those patients with high risk or those who do not require in-person therapeutics.
  • If you continue to provide care the patients in-person, take all appropriate precautions including but not limited to screening patients before allowing them to come in-person, increased office and equipment cleaning, appropriate use of PPE at all times, use of “car waiting rooms” and creating gaps in appointment spacing. For more information about appropriate precautions, please contact the HSNP.
  • Remember, we are here to help and support the ND community in Hawaii. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns as the situation continues to evolve.


Critical Capital for Hawaii Small Businesses

Hawaii Business Development and Support Division

April 6, 2019



Hawaii DOH alerts for Hawaii NDs


Sign up for DOH alerts via email:



DOH LINK-COVID-19 Updates:



COVID-19 Projections for each state



COVID-19 Protecting Your Family with Dr. David Price

Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic.



AANP COVID-19 resources



Website that gives “truthfulness ratings” to claims circulating on social media



Linguistic advice regarding COVID-19


Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: What’s the Evidence?



Integrative Considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic



Keeping the Coronavirus from Infecting Health-Care Workers | The New Yorker



Telemedicine and COVID-19: How to Bill and Code for Your Practice



Hawaii Department of Health: MEDICAL ADVISORY: UPDATE #7—COVID-19


ND Law & Rules re. Hawaii Telehealth



COVID-19: Optimization Strategies for Healthcare PPE



Questions from HSNP Town Hall meeting 3.27.20
